Instant Access to your clusters for Real-Time Monitoring

Gain real-time access and control over PostgreSQL instances for instant visibility of your clusters

How it works

The Live360 module executes queries either directly or through  agents, within the source PostgreSQL database. This design ensures real-time data access and analysis, providing an in-depth and immediate understanding of database activity.

Practical Use of Live360

  • Effortlessly view current sessions and identify any blockers, enabling quick troubleshooting and resolution.
  • Monitor in real time the progress of maintenance operations: vacuum, analyze, index creation, among others.
  • Easily track space utilization on disk or in memory for databases, tables, and indexes.
  • Utilize our integrated viewer to generate and visualize execution plans, optimizing query performance.
  • Explore your database landscape with our intuitive DB Object Explorer, designed for seamless navigation and detailed insights.

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